मंगलवार, 25 अक्टूबर 2016

LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT : a book by Preeti Shenoy, व्योमेश चित्रवंश की डायरी 25102016

LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT : a book by Preeti Shenoy

A stop gap relationship
She looks at him with misty eyes
They have made love
Or attempted to
He seems content and relaxed
Most importantly satisfied.
Not noticing her silence
Or perhaps choosing to ignore it
Not knowing its cause.
                   It is 1.56 am. the day and date has changed.  There is silent night out of my chamber cum Study Room, Just completed preeti shenoy' s LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT.   This is recommended by my daughter kanu. though my english reading speed is not as good as her but i completed it in one sesting sesdion. It is a story of love, hope and how determinitation can overcome even destiny. But i think it is something more, it is the story about how life can take a totally different path from what is planned and yet how one can make  a success out of it. It is a story of courage, determination and growing up. It is a story of faith, belief and perseverance too and charting your own destiny.
      Now a days the yungsters are living in big trouma. They have to join the professional courses  after their schooling. So they are  planned for getting admission  after class 8. At present the tution coaching are being  much important then classroom. For the dreams the yungsters are totally detached by their innocency , their natural bdhaviour and their childhood. They are converting themselves as a tools who is living for their goal, their fake mortal lifestyle and thier hyperbolic life atmosphere. Many times the way of thier goal proceed them to so many problems. The proble of BIPOLAR DISORDER is one of these problems. This book is about this, it is a simple narration with umpteen smart phrases and sharp observations that cut close to the bone, witticisms that encapsulate honest- to-goodness home truths, not to forget musings of a keenly observant mind.
      Bipolar disorder is a serious brain disorder that causes dramatic shifts in moods, energy levels, attitudes and ability to carry out everyday tasks. It is very different from the normal mood changes thst everybody goes through from time to time. It developes typically in late adolscence or early adulthood. Bipolar disorder can be severly crippling that it can result in damaged relationship, poor job or academic performance and even suicide. It has also been associated with creativity. In India and China alone, there are at least 12-15 million people who suffer from BIPOLAR DISORDER. But it is very clear that having a condition like Bipolar Disorder does not mean that the perdon is crazy or a lunatic. Having a disorder like that does not mean it is the end of the world either. It can be managed in a number of ways and people affected can lead very positive and complete lives.
          Really it is a great creation by preeti on this issue. It is much appreciable and  must redable.


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